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2013-01-31 [Kbird]: Yikes!!! I read your three "In the futur" comments!
2013-01-31 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: and she used one of them lol
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Yeah. I think Fern's a little bitter towards Anabell for the Blood Games Incident. :P
Aspen: "Ya think?" =_____=
2013-01-31 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: *growls at Aspen*
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Aspen: O.O "Bye-bye." *vanishes*
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: Yuki:Oh A ghost nice to meet you.O.O no come back!
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Poor Jace. He's so confused. XP
Jace: @__@ *processing, please stand by...*
2013-01-31 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: that actually worked
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Oh, and I think Raven still needs to respond to Jace's description of Fern...
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: *to Will* Aspen just remembered that she's not supposed to let you guys see her. e__e *waves hand dismissively*
2013-01-31 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: ahh i see
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: You know my dad gave me an Idea....
2013-01-31 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: whats the idea
2013-01-31 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: i think you put Raven's and Yuki's response in the wrong place Kbird
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: Yuki's stuffed animal having a spirt in it.
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Like, his mom's spirit? Kind of like Gaara's sand in Naruto?
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: YES.....wait what...oh I've never seen that.
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Gaara's mom died in childbirth, she loved Gaara, his dad said she didn't, her soul possesses the sand that protects him, etc, etc.
Also, the main reason Jace asked that is Yuki is young enough that Jace figures he'd need help with the paperwork. :P
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: uhh
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: btw betty has been doing the check up on everyone while they talk
2013-01-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: I figured. lol
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: ...It's in the wrong section, again. :/
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: =_= fixed
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Shouldn't Anabell be getting to her cousin soon?
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: she had to tellher father about the news of Fern & Dean
2013-01-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Yue's gonna try to slip away and forget about eating again, so if you want Betty to remember and stop her, now's your chance~
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: lol day is saved...
2013-01-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yep
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: For some reason I always picture Jace and his siblings/half-
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: lol I actully do the same.*shrugs*
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Imagine the character's heights, or see the Thorn siblings as tall? :P
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: both
2013-01-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me too. lol
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: I don't know what is about them, but Alex, Jack, Jace, Mark, and Fern all just seem so /tall/ whenever I write/read them. XP
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: true.....I think of stella as tall but Loshya is about 5'3
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: *blink blink* Who should go next?
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: Jace? Yuki is just watching things play out
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: ...Out of curiosity, we know what Fern's opinion of Anabell is, but what about Anabell's opinion of Fern?
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: Annabell:Fern is proof that people can be born evil...she needs to be stoped quickly....AND I want stop hunting her down.
2013-01-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Same here ancient, they all seem tall when I read/write about them.
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: ...And that's why when I wrote the shoe-throwing scene I stopped half-way through to switch from stilletoes to kitten heels. e___e
2013-01-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol
2013-01-31 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: you could have Raven talk to Will
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: at the momment I dont think anyone wants to interapt?
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: ACK ALEX!!! Don't call her pretty or you know who might try and beet you up!
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Nah, Jace is hostile towards competition, but not violent. :P The only thing he'd have to worry about is Jace roughing him up more than normal in training... Oh... :/
2013-01-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Don't worry, Alex won't try to catch her eye or anything, he's not like that.
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Yeah, I figured. :P I don't think he'd do that to Jace even if he was interested...
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: lol I was joking....but if Jace could read minds
2013-01-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, Alex would be in trouble. lol
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: O.O I just relized Yuki's little outburst
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: *facepalm* I forgot to bold Jace's name and misspelled "they're". >.<
2013-01-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Really? lol
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: I just realized that I gave Jace a /huge/ achilles heel. :P I mean, he's so allergic to seafood that touching it makes his skin blotchy and itchy and eating it would make his throat swell up so he's unable to breathe. O_o I guess it's a good thing that the people that don't like him at the facility don't have the guts to try and kill him, huh?
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: ...What was the five-day rule for? Is that for everyone with their supervising officer, or special for Alex?
2013-01-31 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: ancient tell Kbird she has control of my characters cause i`m not going to be on for awhile
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Ok.
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: only Alex.
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Any particular reason she wants Alex to stick around Jace for five days?
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Yuki is soooo cute~ =^_^=
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: because Alex is the only family Jace has that isn't dead,trying to kill him, or under arest.
Yes he is!XD
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: ...Ok, I get it. :P Anabell's trying to look out for Jace.
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: yep!:3
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: Hey, Crimson? I think Yuki needs a little attention. :P
2013-01-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh?
2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: That lovely piece of advice from Anabell would be wasted on Jace. :P
2013-01-31 [Kbird]: yeah....>.>
2013-01-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: I'm picture Yuki being held like a little baby!XD
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Awww~
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Cute huh?
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: awww to adorable!!
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: I know. :D
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace is holding the door for everyone. :P
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Wow.
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: I found the cutest picture ever! Who wants to see it?
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Me~! *raises hand*
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: Me!!
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]:
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Aww~ =^_^=
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: *reads David's post* O.O *heart attack* x__x
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: awww when I was younger that was me in my parents bed
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: nice ancient
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Aw, so cute! :D
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: XP
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: David:=_______
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: *pokes Jace* ...I think he's in a coma, or something.
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: David:!? what?!*Pulls out water gun with a evil smirk.*
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: X______x *no response to David*
Me: "It's official: We need an ambulance." :/
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: *licks Jace's cheek*
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: David:I've got something better. Anna!
David:You have to kiss him so he'll wake up!!
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: Me,Anna & David:O.O
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: *flinches from licking and rolls over* "Mph, go away, Liza. I dun wanna get up."
Me: "False alarm. He's fine." :P "Just passed out from the shock."
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles* Well at least I got a reaction from him.
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: Anna:You could only think of licking him?! And what does Liza do to wake him?!
David:Darn I almost got her to do it.
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Well my first thought was to kiss him so be happy I only licked him.
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Liza was one of his litter-mates. Werewolf pups kind of huddle together in their wolf forms at night, especially if it's cold out. *to Anabell* You never met her. She was hyper as a puppy. :P Usually Jace always woke up to that or her jumping on him... Liza was a morning person. :/
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: Ok got ya, Anna dosn't always think clearly when she's made.lol
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Yeah, I noticed. :P
Aspen: "Jealous, debutante?"
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: Anna:Huh? Only ringleader calls me debutante...so who are you?
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *ghostly giggle as she fades away*
Yue: O.o "Well that was kind of creepy." :/
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Yue: *blink blink* *to David* "Any particular reason Anabell seemed so upset with Crimson?"
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: David:Well she dosn't relize it but she has a thing for Jace.
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Ah." *looks at Jace*
Jace: "Zzzzzzzz" *sneezes* "Mphn fhm."
Yue: "...He sure sleeps /deep/ when he's stressed." :P
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles* He's so cute when he sleeps.
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: I always think dogs are cute when they sneeze, so I just had to add that. XP
Jace: "Mrf nph~"
Yue: "..."
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: *takes a picture of Jace*
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: Anna:Dont you dare lick him again.
David:hehe *whispers*lick him again.
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: *blinks at the flash* "Who dere!?!" *sits up straight and looks around before glaring at Crimson*
Yue: "Looks like the change in lighting woke him up..."
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: O.o dont kill anyone.
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: What? Why are you looking at me?
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Meh. He's just grumpy when he first wakes up. :P But if she was standing over him or he couldn't see who it was, his training might've kicked in...
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Aw, who's a grumpy guss?
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: =_____________
Yue: "You had a minor heart attack-like event and passed out. Then..." *glances at Anabell nervously* "some...other things...happe
Jace: "I had a heart attack?!"
Yue: "Heart attack-like event."
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: I think it was shock.
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: David:I said something that made you flip out or something.
Anna:Are you okay>:/
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: "So what triggered it? And what were these 'other things'?"
Yue: *twists ring around finger nervously* >.< "Notmyplacetos
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: David: Uhhh hehaha umm maybe you should just look up and read it for yourself!
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles and whistles innocently*
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: *looks up at posts* "..." =_____________
Note: He only read the posts, not the comments. :P
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles*
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: David:It dosn't matter......WA
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: *gives Crimson a suspicious look* "Am I missing something?"
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: David:*evil grin* oh just tha.*Yuki slap hand over David's mouth.*
Yuki:Nothing you missed nothing.
Anna:NOTHING MY A**!!Crimson mff*Meko covered her mouth* uh hehaha
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: ???
Yue: *twists ring and inches out of the room*
Jace: *doesn't notice Yue, but glares at Meko*
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: Meko:I'm...I'm sorry! *Uncovers Anna's mouth*
Anna:*Glares at Crimson and Meko* Crimson licked you.*Evil grin*
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: *face turns pink* "O...kay?" *blinks* "...Why?"
Note: Since he was raised with a sister who usually liked to stay in her wolf form, a lick on the cheek is like a kiss on the cheek to him. Sorry to dissapoint. XP
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: perfactly alright:P
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: Anna:-_______- What? how can you just brush it off like that?!
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *evil expression* *hides behind Yue and mimics her voice* "New blood test results! Anabell's pregnant!" XD *vanishes*
Jace: *sputters in a rage for about six seconds before passing out again*
Yue: O.o *flails arms* "THAT WASN'T ME!!!" >.<
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: Anna:O.O HUH?!!! I CAN'T BE!!*Face completely red* WHO SAID THAT!!*Pulls out gun*
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: *to Anabell* Probably the ghost chick. :P *nudges Jace with her foot* ...Yep. Out like a light, again. -________-
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles*
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: *to Crimson* Enjoying the show? XP
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: Anna:"*Shakes Jace* JACE IT ISN'T TRUE!!!COME ON, WAKE UP!!
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: X_________X
Me: "I don't think that's working..."
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: Anna: ! get a Dill pickle no one can like those...
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: I love pickles! :D
Alex: *walks over to Jace and pokes him in the arm with a pickle*
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: I happen to love sour pickles. >:/
Jace: *nonresponsive
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: I need to log off, soon. :/
Jace: *might wake up at some point tommorrow... maybe*
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: Me:O.O how...?
Anna:.__. -_- ._. Is he awake yet?
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: *thinks for a moment as he pokes him again*
*grins evilly and pushes Alex down on top of Jace*
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: *grunts when Alex lands on him* O.o !!! "...Ana?"
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles* She's not pregnant you big idiot.
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: "...It was just a nightmare?" *hopeful look*
Yue: "...Uh..."
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: Anna:O.O -___- I couldn't be pregnant....
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: It was Aspen playing a joke on you.
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: "....I'll kill that ghost."
Fern: "For once: I wish you luck, big brother." =_____________
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles* How can you kill something that's already dead?
2013-02-01 [Kbird]: Me:How did Fern get here.
Anna:Dont care.*Pulls out guns*
2013-02-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Whoa.
2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Fern: *to Crimson* "That's the problem, isn't it?" *to Anabell* "Don't be an idiot, debutante. Killing me here is only a temporary measure, at best. You'll still have to deal with me later."
2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Anna: Fine, but I dont mind killing you twice.
Me:Come on guys, play nice.
2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: *to Kbird* "But what's the fun in that?"
Aspen: "Keep in mind, this isn't exactly a 'nice' person you're talking to." :P
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Me: did i miss something?
2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Ahh just alot of randomness.
Anna: Jace are you sure your alright you've passed out alot.
2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Jace: "I don't usually do that." :/ "I wonder what the trigger is?"
Yue, Rue, Aspen, Fern, and me: =_____________
2013-02-02 [Kbird]: All of my people and me: Have you been paying any attention?-___
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Me: Ahh i see
2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "No, he's been passing out. Haven't /you/ been paying attention?" XP
Yue: "...The trigger is stress."
Jace: "I have a high-stress job. This passing out thing is new to me though." *suspicious look*
Yue: "It's...a...di
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: oh look the ghost is here*looks for a vacume cleaner*
2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: "I've tried that. It doesn't work." e__e
Aspen: "...And it made you look stupid." >:P
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: Hey Yuki are you hungry for a ghost
Dean: Is he thinking what I think he`s thinking?
2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Aspen: O.o "IthinkIhearNo
Fern and Jace: *swearing severely* DX
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: *to Fern and Jace* what don`t tell me that you never thought of doing that
2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: "She serves Nova and the only other Vampire S I know is Luki." :/
Jace: "I've only just met the *censored*."
Fern: "Not taking the pregnancy scare well, brother?" >:P *for once approves of something Aspen did without orders*
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: Will does have a hidden mean streak. You just have to know what brings it out*shifts to his wolf form*
Will: What the*bleep* Dean. Thats impossible i thought you lost your wolf form
2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Whoa!
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Me: hey Crimson
2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hi!
2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: What was the "whoa" for?
2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: The wolf thing.
2013-02-02 [Kbird]: ^-^
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: What now its a fair fight between me and my brother
Will: nothings fair with you Dean
2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hmm...
2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Me: Hey Crimson want some popcorn?
2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: *to Will and Dean about the "nothing's fair" comment* "I have no problem with that~" =^_^=
Jace: "Who asked you?"
2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sure! :D
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:*looks at the guy in the corner* Isn`t that the guy who wants to dissect me
Will:*looks at the guy* it looks like him Sam
2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Luki:.....diss
2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Probably the new redhead." *meaning Seth*
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*to Luki* Don`t even try it*to the guy in the corner*Why don`t you introduce yourself
2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: Who me?
2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Me:gives Crimson popcorn*
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: Of course you and I already know that your a vampire. So that just leaves your name*puts a hand on his sword handle*
2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: I'm Seth. *has a heart in his hand*
Me: *eats popcorn*
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: Why are you after my son
2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Seth's a vampire S?
2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: No, I'm just a regular Vampire. *turns to Will* Who said I was after your son?
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*to Kbird* I don`t know what kind of vampire he is I just know he is one by his scent.*to Seth* Just call it a hunch
2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Loshya: Are you fun to dissect?
2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: Well that depends, what is your son?
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: We are hybrids but I`ll leave it to you to guess
2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: "The youngest is the one I told you about, right Dean?" *gestures to Sam* "Your nephew is the one with lightning capabilities?"
2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: *to Loshya*Been down that road a long time ago
Dean:Yes Fern that would be my nephew
2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: It does sound like fun.
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